Sunday, 11 December 2011

Back to school

Hello everyone
The truth it`s I didn`t want to return to classes, because I considered 
“lost”the academic year; but when we returned to finish the first semester I supposed we have to do it again, and well, we are here now.
I think the first semester was very informal, and the way of finish it was igual, but I also understand the context of the cowardly pressure with the scolarships.
Well, to this semester I am going to take the aesthetics seminar with Victor Díaz,  named “About the notion of image: Politics, mimesis and imaginary”, and the seminar of history “Forefront and Kitsch: Clement Greenberg`s diagnosis”with María Elena Muñoz.
And about the monographics courses I think I will register four –three are needed-. One it`s about cinema, named “Contemporary cinema: the dissident look”, other it`s named “Memento mori: the aesthetics of the death”, other “The brilliance of the sixties” and the last “American colonial and republican art”.
I chose the courses because they are interesting to me, I mention this becasuse I don`t have yet a topic for my thesis, so the choice wasn`t influenced by this, like in the case of other classmates.
Obviously it`s a pity study in time of vacations =( .......luck for all!!!

Saturday, 4 June 2011

when ALL turns negotiable..........

I was reading in the page recommended by miss Beatriz "chile sin transgènicos", the ten reasons why we don`t need the GM food. Really I always surprised when some people talk about finish with the famine, like a pretext for many economical and political decitions about the food. When the problem with the famine it isn`t a production problem, it`s a terrible distribution problem.
I think something so vital for everybody like the food (also education, health, housing, etc.) shouldn`t be under economical systems. Regrettably the power of the money it`s the most important thing in the neoliberal system, so the vital things for the people and the nature are a business for the powerful people (even the supermarkets prefers throw out the food!!).
One terrible example of this it`s the business of the GM food. The only idea of genetics manipulation in the food it`s ridiculous to me, how it`s going to be better like the natural process of the food!!
And when the money it`s involved, there isn`t respect to the natural process in the farming, even when affects the people. Are undeniable the harmful effects to the health with the pesticides and hormons in the food.
The wisdom of the nature it`s undeniable, even sounds hippie, it`s true. All the people should respect the enviroment, and abandoned the idea of everything have price when the politicals about enviroment and nature haven`t return, like the GM food and the sell of the seeds....
Since when some people put price to the land, and made it private property, regrettably convert the food in a business too...

I hope you can watch this great and short documental "LA ISLA DE LAS FLORES"

Friday, 27 May 2011

who is the criminal?

Today we can write to a free topic, but in this moment I am very uninspired. Even if I feel like this, I want to talk about a daily topic: the delinquency, specifically the way like the mass medias of the Establishment raise.
Personally I think it`s very distressing watch or read the news about delinquency, but it`s terrible the way like this news influenced the opinion of the people. They have the power to establish what and how the people have to think, in this case about delinquency.
In fact, they often show poor people commit “crimes”, and all the crimes of the rich and powerful people are silence. Well this have sense if we think to who benefit the law, who apply this and who do it.
I agree whit it`s terrible the fact like the violence of delinquency affects to the common people, much when we think the police it`s to the serve to the powerful people and to their private property. So the Medias shows the attacker, the victim, and that`s all, like a reality show of this, when it`s real people, and when the possible solutions are in the social political.
Finally the Medias upset the significant of delinquency, shows only one face of this, the face advisable to keep quiet the real and daily delinquency: the business of education, of health, of transport, of energy, etc.
I know this can sound very demagogic, but for me it`s some like this…

Friday, 20 May 2011


There are a lot of photographs I like; in general are old photos with family and friends, especially about my childhood with my brothers. In that time wasn`t so often someone take pictures us, so I have photos about very particular moments.
I recently have a digital camera, but really I am not a very photogenic person, so I don`t have too much photos about me.  But I took some of streets, animals, friends and family.
I don`t have too much photographs upload in the web, so I chose one I think it`s very nice, and I took out of the facebook of Felipe, a classmate.
I like very much this photography, was taken by Felipe the last year. The image shows Nelly and me, walking in Londres neighbourhood; that day all we go to see an exhibition of photography in the Alpes institute.
That day was very nice, first we don`t believe in Alpes institute exists, we were a little lost, but finally we came at time to drink wine and watch the photos.
That were good times, we go to exhibitions, drink wine and walk in the streets, and Felipe catch that moment, and was very natural. I like the color in black and white, the lights, and our figures of back, and the architecture of the street it`s very nice.
That neighbourhood have a lot of history, sad but true. There were a house of torture and detention in the dictatorship.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

about education

I think the problem of education affects all, but directly to the people of the lower and middle class. Lamentably that is the point, the social clasess, apparently in the type of society in wich we live it isn`t possible change this.
But it`s possible improved the education, and I think that can be achieve. But lamentably again this changes are conditioned by decisions of the ruling class, and in the case of Chile, it`s a class at service to the wealthy and powerfull people. The law always defend  the interest of that group, and lamentably only the legal aspect (created or proponed by the politics) can change something. So turned into a vicious circle, in this "democratic system", when the people can`t vote for another type of political, because the binominal system (established by the Dictatorship) don`t allow.
Equally the marchs are important, sometimes I forgget this, it`s like the first step to came to change something, at least  that`s supposed. Well finally the change would be realize by the legal way, although personally I consider that`s very sad.
I didn`t assist to the demonstration last thursday, and I think I don`t do a lot of things to change the system of education like other people. Sometimes it`s disappointed play the game of the ruling class, but I think it`s very necessary do things, although little, although to a long term.
But I really think some of the education problems (and a lot of anothers social problems) it isn`t end if like first step don`t change the constitution...
I think can be interestign check this link :

Saturday, 7 May 2011


For me was difficult find the information. Even I have problems to find information of web pages in spanish. But some pages for the activity were clear, like of Kew Garden, all the information requested was there and results easy to find, and the design of the page it´s very nice. I chose this place to the hypothetical visit and I put it in the final day, because gives me the impression of quiet, relax, perfects to the last day before come back.
Other pages were less clear, like some about museums, I remember the page of The Tate Modern Art Gallery was difficult to me, maybe have too much information.
I would like looking for information about the outskirts of London, I think would be interesting to visit if I travel to England.
While I was finding the information I was thinking in music of The Clash, songs like: London Calling, London´s Burning, The guns of Brixton, etc. In fact in that moment I completely forgot the famous Liverpool and the Beatles...

Friday, 29 April 2011

Favorite WeB site

My favorite Web Site it’s You Tube.

I discovered it around six years ago, when I was in the high school. In that time it wasn`t too popular, was a little unknown between my classmates. But my oldest brother, who in that time listened especially grunge, shows me videos of bands like Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, etc.
Since that I always use You Tube. I think I use it all the weeks, even sometimes every day.
I like it because you can watch a lot of videos free, you can find a lot of old videos with file images, and even watch some movies there. I don`t have an account in You Tube, but if you have one it`s possible upload your own videos, comment and score others.
I like the possibility to find every kind of video: musical, political, humorous, etc.
The only feature of You Tube I don`t like, but really it`s a problem with the speed of Internet, when it delays too much to load.
I choose a musical video by Pearl Jam “Do the Evolution”, was the first video of that band I knew, I hope you enjoy it so much like I do.