Sunday, 11 December 2011

Back to school

Hello everyone
The truth it`s I didn`t want to return to classes, because I considered 
“lost”the academic year; but when we returned to finish the first semester I supposed we have to do it again, and well, we are here now.
I think the first semester was very informal, and the way of finish it was igual, but I also understand the context of the cowardly pressure with the scolarships.
Well, to this semester I am going to take the aesthetics seminar with Victor Díaz,  named “About the notion of image: Politics, mimesis and imaginary”, and the seminar of history “Forefront and Kitsch: Clement Greenberg`s diagnosis”with María Elena Muñoz.
And about the monographics courses I think I will register four –three are needed-. One it`s about cinema, named “Contemporary cinema: the dissident look”, other it`s named “Memento mori: the aesthetics of the death”, other “The brilliance of the sixties” and the last “American colonial and republican art”.
I chose the courses because they are interesting to me, I mention this becasuse I don`t have yet a topic for my thesis, so the choice wasn`t influenced by this, like in the case of other classmates.
Obviously it`s a pity study in time of vacations =( .......luck for all!!!